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eNewsletter May 2012

Table of Contents

New and Improved... Post Guards at Maxi Warehouse...

Creative Containers... Our Steel Drum Benches...

You May Have Missed... Blog Articles...

Maxi Hosts Cocktail Party... Reusable Industrial Packaging Association...

Michigan Recycling Coalition Annual Conference... Recycling By Design...

Upcoming Events... Green Fairs and Workshops!

Let's Stay in Touch... Join Us Online...

New Product... Rain Barrel Stands...

WJR Radio, Real Estate 411... Lucky Rain Barrel Winner!

St. Pauls Workshop... Our Reflections...

Happy Memorial Day from Maxi
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New and Improved... Post Guards at Maxi Warehouse...
Post Guard Logo We finally installed over 50 Post Guards in our warehouse. If you have a chance stop by and check them out. If not here's the pictures. Ask us for details!

Check out Postguard on Facebook and Twitter too!
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Creative Containers... Our Steel Drum Benches...
Our new Drum Benches!

Industrial furniture design is our newest hobby. Actually we decided to make these for a party we hosted but now we take them to green fairs and think they would be great in the garden. Our steel drum benches are made from a used food grade drums. They are surprisingly comfortable!

We have a limited number of these available now and will take custom orders for events that wish to use steel drums as seating. If interested just give us a call at 313-891-3880 or send us an email.

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You May Have Missed.. Blog Articles...
Visit our News Room, read out Blog

-One thing leads to another, rain barrel Workshops

-Johnson Upper Elementary, rain barrels and compost special guest Speaker

-Rain Barrel Season has started in Michigan, and it is Great!

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Maxi Hosts Cocktail Party... Reusable Industrial Packaging Association...
Having fun at our Partay
Mike Bank, Sasha & Howard Skolnik

The Reusable Industrial Packaging Association annual Technical conference was recently here in Detroit. The Conference highlights all the new and important details for our industry but also, being in Detroit gave us a chance to show our fellow industry members our new offices and warehouse. We took it one step farther and decided to host the cocktail party. We decorated in "Industrial Chic" with steel drum benches, pallets turned into tables, oak and steel wine barrels supported the bar and more!

The Reusable Packaging Association wrote a great full length article about the event. Also, please check out the all of the pictures on our Flickr.

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Michigan Recycling Coalition Annual Conference... Recycling By Design...
Art from Used Plastic Bottles!!
Plastic Bottles made into art: "The Trees of Life Reclaimed"
For the past two years I have joined the recyclers from across the great lakes region (mainly Michigan) for the Michigan Recycling Coalition Annual Conference. It is informative and also a great opportunity to meet people making changes in our communities. Once thought of as a "trashy" business it is now helping shape the way we create cities and design products. There was a great time had by all with over 300 attendees this year!

Take a moment to visit their website and learn more about their goals for Michigan and Recycling!
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Upcoming Events... Green Fairs and Workshops!
Download our Calendar of Events
Download our Calendar of Events

(click on icon above)
Rain Barrel Install and Demo
(St. Clair Shores)


June 16
Download the Flyer...
Deroit Public Schools GoLightly AgriScience on Belle Isle has some amazig Greenhouses... come check it out
Rain Barrel Workshop
(St. Clair Shores)

June 16

Register for Event...
divider June 22-24
Learn More...
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Let's Stay in Touch... Join Us Online...
Join us online, check out all the Social Nets!
Connect with us online and stay up to date with our latest news. We are out and about especially in the spring and summer! Don't miss all of our exciting updates! We are on most of the popular networks, don't forget to check out our sister sites too!
Our Wine Site!!!
Please Visit our Home & Garden site too!
New Product... Rain Barrel Stands...
Our Rain Barrel Stand 100% Upcycled
Our newest accessory for our rain barrels has arrived. Made from 100% Upcycled (reused) wood we have begun constructing these durable stands. They are 18 inches off the ground, perfect height for our rain barrel.

Interested in a rain barrel stand, call 313-891-3880 or send us an email.
WJR Radio, Real Estate 411... Lucky Rain Barrel Winner!
Judy our lucky RB Winner
Joshua delivers Rain Barrel to Judy of St. Clair Shores
Earth Day weekend, we were invited to WJR Radio Studios to spread our green message and donate one of our Rain Barrels. Joined by Green Leaders Jon Carlos and Sally Bellinger of

Congratulations to Judy Trupiano of St. Clair Shores, who now is the proud owner of a Maxi rain barrel. She was thrilled by the personal delivery from our own Joshua Rubin as well as Paul Compo from RealEstate411.
St. Pauls Workshop... Our Reflections...
Pastor Paul assemble as Rain barrel after the workshop
April 28, 2012 found us at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Livonia hosting a Rain Barrel workshop. Part of the proceeds were used to benefit St. Paul’s community outreach garden initiative to “Feed the Hungry.” Over 20 people participated and went home with their Rain Barrel helping to raise money for their community garden and to help protect the Great Lakes by reducing pollution caused by stormwater runoff.

Interested in hosting a Rain Barrel workshop, let us know by calling 313-891-3880 or send Joshua and email.
7010 Middlebelt Road | Romulus, MI 48174 |
Questions and comments:
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