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eNewsletter January 2012
Table of Contents

Socially Responsible...

miWineBarrel... Stainless Steel...

Customer of the Month... Faurecia Interior...

New and Improved... Energy Efficient Lighting...

You May Have Missed... Blog Articles...

Industrial Packaging is Recyclable!

Don't let your Drums Freeze...

Spent Light Tubes... Box Em' Up...

Grape & Wine Events...

Happy New Years from Maxi Container
New and Improved... Energy Efficient Lighting...


Recently we invested in energy efficient lighting for our warehouse. Our new induction lighting was provided by the Eco-Green-Energy. It uses half the energy as before, making it more cost effective and a better choice for the environment more...
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Customer of the Month... Faurecia Interior...

Faurecia Interior Systems was founded in 1997 and now is the world’s sixth largest automotive supplier, with a network of 238 production sites in 33 different countries. They employ 75,000 workers around the globe! Maxi has been working with Faurecia for the past 4 years, making sure they get New, Reconditioned, & Re-manufactured Totes/IBC’s and participating in our Drum/Tote Recycling Program every week. Faurecia is committed to helping drive the automotive industry forward with excellence through design and commitment to customers, and continuous improvement. These are their four core businesses:

  • Automotive Seating
  • Interior Systems
  • Emissions Control Technologies
  • Automotive Exteriors
“I always feel confident when an emergency comes up that Maxi Container understands and responds very quickly and efficiently; they have come through several times when we needed something same day.”

-Nikki Jenkins
Crib Attendant

For more information please visit their website.
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You May Have Missed... Blog Articles...
Read our Blog! -Patent Pending

-Kayaking Sarasota Bay: Eco Tour

-New Recycling Labels: Ready For the Public Soon!
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Spent Light Tubes... Box Em' Up...
Light Tube Box
When replacing Fluorescent Light Tubes you need to use caution. They contain harmful gases such as mercury. When not properly disposed of this gas goes into the atmosphere, harming the environment. Also, it is illegal to improperly dispose of used Fluorescent Light Tubes.

Maxi has a solution. Our Fluorescent Light Tube boxes are ready to ship to an off-site collection site to be properly disposed of. Available in both four and eight foot sizes.

For more information about our Fluorescent Light Tube Boxes please call 313-891-3880 or send us an email.
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Grape & Wine Events...
Upcoming Wine Events!Winter is the off season for grapes, so winemakers are busy getting ready for next year. This makes it the perfect time for Conferences and Trade Shows. Maxi's wine division miWineBarrel will be busy this winter at several events... check out were we'll be on our calendar.
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Socially Responsible...
Feeling Social... We Are!!!

Whether you like to Tweet or Check-In, Maxi is probably right there with you. Don't wait any longer, jump in and get your social network on.

miWineBarrel... Stainless Steel...
Shiny SS
Stainless Steel Wine Barrels are great for making wine and going green. For those of you who have not seen these shiny containers at our new offices, check out our wine site or view our flickr.
Industrial Packaging is Recyclable!
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Packaging is designed to be reused, but often it is disposed of too early. Let us take away your used Industrial Packaging and supply you with the correct new or reconditioned packaging you need.

For more information about Recycling contact Bob at 313-891-3880 or via email.
Don't let your Drums Freeze...
Wrap up that Drum!
Climate change has got us feeling a little warmer this winter, but don't forget about that drum left outside! If you have a need to keep constant temperature control let us know. We'll customize a Drum Blanket to suit your needs!

For more information call 313-891-3380 or send us a "Request For Quote" via email.
7010 Middlebelt Road | Romulus, MI 48174 |
Questions and comments:
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