Posts Tagged ‘Spring’

Spring Has Sprung or Did it Creep?

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014


Here in the U.S. the first day of Spring (the Vernal Equinox) came and went on March 20, 2014; not that anybody around here noticed. To me, the first day of Spring is the day of the Tigers Home Opener. This year it was March 31, 2014 and the weather co-operated with temperatures in the 60’s.

The four seasons as we know them here in the U.S. are the well known Spring, Summer Autumn (Fall) and Winter, each being three months long. The joke in Michigan is that we have only two seasons; Winter and Road Construction. To prove this point, the Michigan Department of Transportation has released its map of construction projects for 2014. As a child I always viewed Summer and Winter as being much longer than Spring and Autumn. I think this has to do with the fact that here in Michigan winter weather begins long before the first day of winter and that school lets out long before the first day of Summer. When I lived in Florida there seemed to only be two seasons: Tourist Season (November to March) and Summer (April to October). Summer was when all the Snowbirds left and I could get into my favorite restaruants without a long line. It was also the only time we went to the Beach.

A scientist in Australia recently suggested that they need more than the traditional four seasons. Dr. Tim Entwisle thinks we need to break Spring into two seasons; Sprinter (early Spring) and Sprummer (late Spring), giving us a total of five seasons. He claims that indigenous peoples in Australia have up to seven seasons based on plant and animal life as well as weather.

The Union of Concerned Scientist feel that due to global Climate Change Spring arrives 10 days earlier than it used to in the 1950’s. They go on to say that this “Spring Creep” leads to late Summer forest fires, droughts and floods.

Any way you look at it. Spring is here and I couldn’t be happier. We are gearing up for one of our seasons, Rain Barrel Seasons. Pop over to and take a look at the upcoming Rain Barrel Events we have scheduled.

Spring Is Almost Here…Maxi’s Home & Garden Section…

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

Rain Barrel & Compost Tumbler

We are passionate about helping people improve their home and garden. In the winter you can stay warm with one of our Drum Stove Kits and in the spring and summer you can use our Rain Barrels and Compost Tumblers to save money and help your garden grow. There are many reasons why using Rain Barrels and making your own compost is better for your plants, but did you know that it is also better for the planet? That’s right, if you utilize our Home and Garden Products you can reduce your carbon footprint by turning yard and kitchen waste into nutrient rich soil. Top it all off with “soft” rain water that otherwise would just be urban runoff. To help reduce the need for sewer expansion and reduce your water bill, Rain Barrels are a smart choice this season.

If you are interested in Rain Barrels or want to try to start composting this spring contact Bob at 313-891-3880 or send him an email.

More useful information about our Rain Barrels and Compost Tumblers please visit our Home and Garden section on our website.

This was originally an article in the March 2011 eNewsletter.