eNewsletter July - August 2013

Table of Contents

New and Improved... Credit Cards and PayPal Now Accepted...

Customer of the Month... Eftec...

You May Have Missed... Blog Articles...

Upcoming Events... Street Fairs, Festivals, and Rain Barrel Sales...

Back-2-School Bowl 2013... Help the Homeless in Metro-Detroit...

Social Networks... mirainbarrel Etsy Store Now Open...

Special Offer... Spill Pallets That Work!

Recycling Is Essential... Do You Recycle?

Check It Out... New miwinebarrel Ad...

Summer Fun "Enjoy Life"
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New and Improved... Credit Cards and PayPal Now Accepted...
Now accepting Credit and PayPal We hope you have already checked out the completely redone website and e-commerce store. Now we can accept Credit Cards or PayPal your choice!

Please visit
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Customer of the Month... Eftec...

Eftec is a global leader in the Automotive industry. Their focus is on engineered materials and application systems for bonding, coating, sealing and damping. They have a strong commitment to not only quality of their products but also their customers and the environment. Eftec has been working with us for about a year, purchasing Steel, Plastic, and Fiber Drums. We are proud to be associated with such an outstanding Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). Here are a few things that makes Eftec a leader of their industry:

  • Operating on a global basis.
  • Strongly committed to their customers.
  • Highly competent in their field.
  • Providing value added to their customers.

When we asked them how they felt about working with us, here was their response:

"A valuable supplier to Eftec!"

We are very happy to be able to supply Eftec with the correct container, on-time, every-time!

If you want to learn more about Eftec please visit their website.

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You May Have Missed... Blog Articles...
Check out our Blog feed

Notes From the Capitol -
4th of July in D.C.

We Mean Green!

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Upcoming Events... Street Fairs, Festivals, and Rain Barrel Sales...
Our Calender

Buy Michigan Now Festival
This Weekend, Aug. 2 - 4

Yardner's Garden Tour / RB Sale
Saint Claire Shores
August 3rd, 9AM - 3PM

SCS Green Fair in the Park
Saint Claire Shores
August 24

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Back-2-School Bowl 2013... Help the Homeless in Metro-Detroit...
Bowl for a Cause

Looking to assist homeless families and children? Join Paula Ratchford Ministries, a non-profit organization, support Back-to-School Initiative 2013. This initiative distributes backpacks complete with grade-appropriate school supplies to children in homeless shelters. The kickoff event is Back-to-School Bowl 2013 scheduled on Friday, August 2, 2013 at Merri-Bowl Lanes, 30950 Five Mile, Livonia, MI 48154. Tickets are sixteen dollars ($16) each for three (3) games of bowling, pizza, soda, and rental of bowling shoes. A silent auction will be conducted at the event. Maxi Container donated a Rain Barrel for their auction. Proceeds will be utilized to fund this endeavor.

For more information, call (313) 516-2552 and/or email

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Social Networks... mirainbarrel Etsy Store Now Open...
Etsy w Us!

We have arrived on the premium hand goods ecommerce and social net Etsy... and it's great. We currently have our Rain Barrels and Composters up on the store and will be adding more products soon - check us out on Etsy!

Special Offer... Spill Pallets That Work!
Don't miss this Spill Pallet Special, say that ten times fast Too!
Click Here to Download the Flyer
We had to do it again, last month we highlighted our Spill Pallets. The flyer looks so good you have to download it here.

Call Annette with questions or to order at 313-891-3880 or send her an email.
Recycling Is Essential... Do You Recycle?
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle With Maxi Container!
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

If you are not already recycling your used containers... Why the heck not? It's not only bad for the earth to waste valuable resources but your could be earning credits towards future purchases with our Recycling Program.

Stop sitting there thinking about it, call Bob for more info at 313-891-3880 or send him an email.

Check It Out... New miwinebarrel Ad...
One of our sister brands, miwinebarrel has a new ad out, just wanted to show it off for all of you! Here it is:
Before the Bottle... Before the Glass... comes the Barrel
Click to Enlarge
7010 Middlebelt Road | Romulus, MI 48174 |
Questions and comments: